Rowing, tiaras and behaviour change

At last year’s Comms Unplugged, programmatic guru John-Paul Danon from the fab CAN Digital, was a really good sport and volunteered to be a real, life case-study in my behaviour change workshop. Here we are one year on, to check on progress.
John-Paul's Goal
We helped him define his goal around exercising using behavioural theory - to exercise for 30mins, 6 times a week.
John-Paul's pledge
To help turn this goal into reality, John-Paul pledged to,
incorporate rowing into his morning routine, just after brushing his teeth
use a reward chart
there was something about no steak if he didn't keep to his routine
and something about using the duck and the tiara.
One year on
Fast forward one year on, I caught up with John-Paul in the field at Comms Unplugged 2022 to find out how he had been getting on with his challenge.
“Making a public commitment really helped me stick to my goal – especially as I felt a sense of commitment to everyone in the session” said John-Paul.
“I tried all the different behavioural techniques we talked about; like making it easy, having a trigger to stick to my habits (putting my exercise clothes the night before) and trying other things like having a cold shower to get me going.
“The end benefit, is that rather than it becoming a chore, I started to crave exercise, and rowed something like 1,000 miles over the last 12 months.
“And I’m half a stone lighter and didn’t have to give up steak.”
Interested in a Behaviour Change Masterclass? We are taking bookings now for January 2023. 5 weeks to become a behaviour change expert. > Find out more > Don't worry, no ducks or tiaras will be involved.